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Deformulation Analysis of Multi-Component Products
One of our capabilities is the analysis of complex chemical formulations to determine the compositions of all their major components. This includes chemical mixtures and formulations such as adhesives, paints, lubricants, compounded plastics and resins, metal alloys and many other types.
A variety of unique laboratory procedures are used in these analyses. Both qualitative analysis (identification of all components) and full quantitative analysis (identification and percent composition of components) can be performed.
Deformulation analysis is often used to verify the composition of compounded plastics obtained from outside suppliers and to check on the make-up of new batches of chemical mixtures before shipment is made.
This service is also used for the analysis of a variety of competitive products and formulations.
Types of Formulations
- Compounded Plastics
- Compounded Resins & Rubbers
- Metal Alloys
- Paints & Coatings
- Detergents & Cleaners
- Adhesives & Sealants
- Waxes & Greases
- Petrochemicals
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